Features of our payment service

API connection
This is a programming interface which can call up our payment system functions directly from member store programs. An HTTPSPOST request is used for these calls. Customers considering connection with in-house system can use API connection.

Link payment
This is a method for transitioning to our company's prepared payment page. Since there's no need to create a payment page on your member store site, workload on system structures is reduced, and the installation process is simple.

Multi-currency payment
Installing our multi-currency payment service makes it possible to receive credit card payments in foreign currency denominations.
This means foreign customers can make purchases in their home currency, enabling more confident shopping. In addition, multi-currency payment helps attract more foreign users to your site.

Fraud detection
Alongside the rapid growth in credit card payments, fraudulent payments are also on the rise. Our specialized tools monitor your site to exclude transaction laundering, harmful content, and other fraudulent activity.
In addition, since transaction monitoring automatically detects and prevents money laundering, implementing our system eliminates suspicious payments.